Don’t Go, Mister O!

Based on the letter I received yesterday, the recent cherry blossom petals must have inspired Mom to finally say goodbye to winter. I agree. Good riddance to winter and hello spring!

Dear Jeff, You know what I love about winter? Snowflakes, icicles, holidays...but most of all, when it finally ends! Hello, spring! I've missed you! -MomI saw Friga from across the river, and I couldn’t help but to wave at her. When animals wave at you, it makes them seem infinitely cuter than when they’re just being their usual grumpy selves.

Waving to Friga from across the river.And tonight, Octavian told me he was going to move out of town! I told him not to go, but he says he’s going to move out anyway. Hopefully I’ll be able to talk him out of it in the next few days. Maybe I’ll have to throw a huge fishing net over his house to keep him from getting away.

Octavian: Anyhow, I'm not vanishing this instant, just letting you know I'll be gone soon, eagle eye.

Bunnie Hops Into Town

Late last night, I went in to meet my newest neighbor: Bunnie the…bunny.

Bunnie: Sniiiiiiiiff! Ahhhhhh... You gotta LOVE the smell of a new house!Ribbot asked me for a new catchphrase, so I taught him to say Mr. Roboto.

Ribbot: Dude! From now on, I am ALL ABOUT the Mr. Roboto!And cherry blossom petals are falling from the sky today.

Standing near the Pac-Man pond as cherry blossom petals fall.When I went to visit Elmer, the smell overwhelmed me. Instead of the usual sweaty horse scent, there was also a strong garlic aroma. Not a good combination.

Elmer: I thought so. That's why I spritzed myself with Eau de Garlic Naan before you got here!And outside, Friga told me it was Moisturizing Monday! She doesn’t want to look like a pile of dead leaves for some reason.

Friga: It's Monday, so that means it's time to moisturize! If I don't, I'll look like a pile of dead leaves by Sunday.And Bunnie was outside hopping walking around tonight. She was a little too enthusiastic about running around. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

Bunnie: Jeff, let's put on our best spring stuff and go run around. It'll be fun, tee-hee!I actually found three black roses today, which is very unusual! By my count, I only need about seven more! Unless I’m overlooking an area I’m forgetting about, which is entirely possible.

Flame Shirt

I’ve been meaning to change out of my club shirt for weeks now, so I finally bought a new shirt today. I went with this flame shirt. Mabel’s speech window was either shrinking or growing as I took this picture, so that’s why it looks this way.

Mabel's semi-transparent speech bubble in Able Sisters.I took the bus to the city, and I saw Wendy there. She was telling me how she’d like to work in a city like this. She said she might open up a restaurant called Chow Down Forest. Why not the Forest Buffet?

Wendy: Maybe I'll, like, open up a froufrou restaurant called Chow Down Forest!Tonight was K.K. night, so I caught his performance at the Roost. I let him choose the song, and he played K.K. Reggae.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. reggae.Nate’s replacement still hasn’t moved in yet. But I did find one new black rose today, which is always a good thing.