Chrissy on the Cliff

The mustached frog is now officially the former villager known as Prince. I got his goodbye letter in the mail today.

Prince's goodbye letter in Animal Crossing: City Folk.A message on the bulletin board reminded me that Festivale is coming up on Monday. If you’re interested, here’s a video of the event (recorded in 2010) that shows what it’s like in City Folk. Mobile users may need to click here to see it.

As I walked around town tonight, I spotted Chrissy up on the dead end cliff. I tried waving to her, but it doesn’t work when you and the villager are on different levels of town. Still, I thought this made for a funny picture.

Me looking up at Chrissy, who is standing on the dead end cliff very close to the camera.Lily was still sick, so I bought her some medicine once again. If this doesn’t work, maybe she should take two flies and call me in the morning.

Lily flips as she takes some medicine.