Bones in Charge

Saturday night is K.K. Slider night, and many of my villagers were talking about the singing dog being in town. Walker even went so far as to say K.K.’s songs are like ice cream for his ears.

Walker: K.K. Slider's songs are cool, sweet, and smooth. They're like ice cream for my ears!

So I went down to the Roost to check out K.K.’s performance for myself. I asked for a random song, and he played K.K. Calypso for me.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Calypso.

Outside of Nook’s, Bones was carrying around a fishing rod, and he thought it made him look like he was in charge. (How so? Is he a puppy in charge of a guppy?) But he told me it would be a good time to take a picture of him, so I did.

Bones: Now might be a good time to get your picture taken with me!

Puck was telling me about the flea market tomorrow…as he had a flea on him.

Puck: Oh, J-bot, you didn't forget, did you? The Forest flea market is tomorrow, too itchy!

I caught the flea for him, and he concluded that he needed a bath. Probably not a bad idea.

Puck: Geez, lone bone, I guess I should take a bath...