Rizzo Exterminated

Rizzo was all packed up to move out today. It’s a great sight to see!

Rizzo: I've got everything packed, but it's going to be kinda lonely leaving this place behind...woof woof.

Saharah was in town, looking for old carpets. Even though Saharah claims to be from a far-off land, Goldie isn’t sure she believes it. Could it all be an act?

Goldie: Actually...I don't know how far off, or how distant, or if she's really even from there. Maybe it's all an act!

I couldn’t ask Rizzo for carpet since he’s leaving, and I couldn’t ask Wolfgang because he was sick. But I did give him some medicine.

Wolfgang: ...I don't need medicine... What do you mean, I can stop playing tough guy? Gimme that, wolfman!

Of my remaining villagers, exactly zero had old carpets to give me. It seems like I’m never going to get that lunar surface.

Simon: Oh, old carpets! I just went and traded mine for a sweet new one!

Kapp’n was enjoying some coffee at the Roost today. But he said coffee goes best with some cucumber slices! Ugh! Never!

Kapp'n: P'raps ye don't be knowin' this, but good coffee be best enjoyed with a few slices o' cucumber...

By the way, I did not receive a reply from Queenie about the birthday greeting I sent her on her birthday. Perhaps they only reply if the letter is sent early enough (before the mail goes out at 5 p.m.) on their birthday? I’m not sure, but I’ll have to test this again sometime.

Today is the 13th anniversary of ACCF’s release! I posted my annual slideshow of screenshots taken in the past year. Check it out if you’re interested! And happy ACCF anniversary! 🙂