Ugly Convention

Sunday was Easter, and I decided to participate in the Bunny Day festivities. So I went around town, digging up the many buried bunny eggs and opening them up. Some contained candy, which I can save for Halloween or Festivale. The rest contained bunny foils, which can be given to Zipper T. Bunny in exchange for special egg furniture. 🥚

Zipper: It's an egg toy set!

I had to go around town 3+ full times before I found all twelve bunny foils. But I sold those twelve egg items for a nice chunk of change: 107,776 bells. 😎

Tom Nook: Ah, for all of that, I'll give you 107,776 bells!

Yesterday, I was walking along my eastern cliff, when I saw Harry and Jambette talking down below. They were both in a good mood after their conversation, and they were whistling (or singing?) together. I guess they were having an Ugly Convention down there. 😛

Harry and Jambette singing after enjoying their Ugly Convention.

Wendell was in town today, although I didn’t bother speaking with him. But Antonio was telling me all about him. He said that Wendell is so hungry that he could eat an oatmeal planet! Oh, is there such a thing?

Antonio: I kept feeding him... But his gut is like a black hole! That dude could eat an oatmeal planet.

Good thing I’m not an oatmeal planet, or I’d be Quaker-ing in my boots. 😛

Jambette was locked out of her house, but I didn’t help her look for her key. Hey, she’s a frog! She’s well-prepared to dive into the water to look for it. Unless she needs a little push? 😉

I did help out a different ugly villager tonight though. I delivered a gift for Harry (to Tom), and he rewarded me with a planked tatami.

Enjoy your weekend, everyone! I’ll see you all next time! In the meantime, check out my recent video of A.I. trying (and failing) to describe some of my ACCF screenshots. 😆

Return of the Jambette

As you likely know, I’ve been trying to get rid of the cranky villager surplus I’ve had in Forest over the past 6+ months. But moving anybody out can be a risk, because you never know who may move in next. You may get someone even worse. And that’s exactly what happened yesterday…

Jambette: Oh... Do you live around here?
Well I did, but now I have to move out.

JAMBETTE MOVED IN! Ugh! She’s one of my most-hated villagers in the entire series…and I’ve had her before, back in 2012. Some of you may even remember the video of the moment I discovered her. 😛

As for her house, it’s directly south of the town fountain. That’s a spot that rarely seems to be used by villagers for whatever reason. And I’m looking forward to seeing that spot vacant again, hopefully in the near future. 😛

Jambette's house, just south of the town fountain.

Tom was hanging out in the Roost, being very complimentary of Brewster. I think he was hoping to get some free coffee. 😉

Tom: The owner here is a bird of few words. I can respect that. Me-YOWZA.

Boomer was still sick with a cold yesterday, so I gave him some more medicine. But by today, he was over his cold. He thanked me for the meds by giving me a blue vase.

Jambette was outside today…so I decided to grab a pitfall seed and give her a proper introduction to town. She started squealing in French. 😉

Jambette: Aieeee!
Welcome to Forest. 😉 There’s more where that came from, froggy.

If you’re wondering, the balloon present in that picture contained a trunk measure.

I found a new gold rose today. But that good news is offset by the fact that I killed a gold rose yesterday, while checking for a UFO that didn’t come. 😛

I finished off my day with a trip to the city, where Kicks finally shined my shoes to be black again. I also spotted Vladimir there already! He just moved out!

Vladimir, in the city: The Marquee always seems to have an audience, even though the shows are usually pretty bad.
Is it too late for you to come back and undo Jambette’s arrival? 😛

Enjoy your Easter weekend, everyone! Check out my Bunny Day Guide if you need it. See you again soon! 🙂

April Fools Day 2023

Today, I received Vladimir’s goodbye letter in the mail.

Jeff, Well, I'm finally moving out of Forest tomorrow. If it makes you feel any better, you're the only reason I stayed as long as I did. Thanks, pal. -Your pal, Vladimir

It’s April Fools Day, and I found Tortimer standing outside of town hall. He said he didn’t like the concept of there being a day when it’s okay to lie to people…

Tortimer: That said, I don't think I like having a day when it's acceptable to lie. I don't like lying, sprout!

And then he played a prank on me anyway. He gave me a leaf, which looks like a furniture item…but it’s a furniture item that looks like the furniture icon.

The leaf furniture item for April Fools Day in Animal Crossing: City Folk (ACCF) for Nintendo Wii.

You can even rotate it, but it’s not as recognizable from the other angles.

When I spoke with Tortimer again, he said it’s okay to play pranks…just not on him. 😛

Tortimer: It's OK to play pranks, but not on the mayor!

Of course, April also brings the pink petals of cherry blossom petals. I really liked this view of pink trees, the sunset, and Grizzly on the other side of the river.

Pink trees, sunset, and Grizzly.

Speaking of Grizzly, he asked me for a new catchphrase to replace me-YOWZA, which he stole from Tom. I couldn’t think of anything, so I told him to bear with. 😉

Grizzly: If you talk to someone with a really distinctive catchphrase, it can be infections, bear with.

And some of my villagers were trying to play tricks on me. Harry said that Tom Nook was opening up the back room of the shop, and everything was 90% off. Yeah, right. 😛

Harry: He's opened up the back room, and it's all 90% off! You should, er, stop by... ...Ah, who am I kidding?

Boomer was sick with a cold, so I gave him some medicine.

Happy April Fools Day, everyone! And enjoy cherry blossom season, it’s one of the prettiest times of the year! 🙂 See you next time!