100% Debt Free

Crazy Redd was in town today, and he had a basic painting for sale. I bought it, and it turned out to be the real deal! I quickly donated it to the museum.

Basic painting. Donor: Jeff

The new Message of the Week said that money is the root of all evil. It then advised to dig, dig, dig. 😛

*Message of the Week* Money is the root of evil. Dig! Dig! Dig!

After correctly answering Big Top’s quiz, he gave me his gas pump. He told me to use it however I’d like.

Big Top: Please use my gas pump however you'd like.

While fishing, I caught a pale chub. I must have missed out on this fish last year, because this was my first one! I made sure to donate it to the museum.

I caught a pale chub! Hm... It could use some sun.

At town hall, I paid off the last 35,000 bells that I owed. I am now completely debt-free! Yay!

My home loan is ALL paid off!

I returned to Tom Nook, and he thanked me for paying off my loan. There was no reward for paying it off, but he advised me to open a savings account at town hall. Wow, thanks a lot, Tom Nook.

Tom Nook: After all, there's no social security in Forest!

With that, I ended my game for the night. And now that I’ve fully paid off all my debt, I have a small announcement. I will now only be updating this blog once a week (for the most part, at least). While I still plan to play twice a week for a while (since I still need artwork on Tuesdays and K.K. songs on Saturdays), there generally won’t be a 2nd entry unless something significant is going on.

6 thoughts on “100% Debt Free”

  1. I believe that as with the later games you still get rewards for however many Bells in your savings account, which of course in Wild World you couldn’t have until you paid off your mortgage completely (which I’m glad the subsequent games just had the two as separate things and both from the get-go).

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