Throwing a Curveball

I wished on a shooting star Wednesday night, and Wishy sent me a baby panda in the mail on Thursday. 🐼

I’ve been catching some good summer bugs lately, like the atlas beetle and this rainbow stag.

The seven colors are so bright, I better put on some shades!
But I’m already wearing shades!

Olivia has been sick with a cold this week, so I gave her some medicine on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. She appreciated it…I think.

Olivia: You look like an angel, it's a lie.

She was over her cold by today. She thanked me for the medicine by giving me a classic chair.

This afternoon, I found a note in a bottle on the beach. It was written by someone who wants to be a baseball player, to a “Helpful Hint Guy.” He wanted to know how to throw a curveball. ⚾

Dear Helpful Hint Guy, I can't throw a curveball. If I wanna throw a curveball like a pro, what do I need to do? -Signed, Weak and Flabby

Even if the helpful hint guy did get the note (spoiler alert: he didn’t), that might be a hard thing to explain in a note.

Another popular summertime activity, fishing, was represented on a new “Talking to Myself” post on the bulletin board. Except the author only complained about how boring it is!

-Talking to Myself- Sitting on a hot wharf... gazing into nothingness... Fishing is boring! I just don't get it!
This totally sounds like Phyllis, not Pelly.

Butch asked me for a fossil, so I gave him an iguanodon tail I dug up. He loved it, and he put it up almost immediately. (I just had to leave and re-enter his house to see it.) It didn’t exactly line up with his other fossil, but oh well. 😛

Butch's fossils.

He rewarded me with a scarecrow.

Mouth of Truth

Yesterday, I received a letter from Wishy in the mail; he sent me a ranch hutch.

When I spoke with Hugh, he wondered what was going on with Bob and Olivia. He said they act like they’re joined at the hip, like an elderly couple out for a walk! 😮💀

Hugh: They're like an elderly couple out for their daily walk, snortle!

Hugh said that seeing them made him want to see his mom and dad again! 😂

Gulliver’s UFO flew overhead at 10:22, and I promptly shot it down. Just don’t tell Gulliver it was me who did it. 😉

Gulliver: I tremble at the tought that she's been reduced to a twisted heap of junk...

Once I found the five missing parts of his UFO, I returned them. Gulliver rewarded me with a Mouth of Truth! That’s one of my favorite items of his, and I almost forgot it was even in this game. I put it in my Gulliver room, and I removed my Nintendo bench to keep it from looking too crowded.

My Gulliver room, now featuring a Mouth of Truth.

At town hall, Phyllis was complaining about Brewster. He apparently told her that she and Pelly don’t look alike at all…

Phyllis: I don't get it! Brewster said to me, You two don't look alike at all...

What she said next really surprised me. Not only did she say she hates his “strong, silent type,” but she called him a cryptic weirdo and a stupid flying rat! 😮😮😮

Phyllis: Ugh...I've always hated the strong, silent type! (Stupid flying rat!)

It was storming in town tonight, and Butch was being poetic about the rain. Even though I didn’t say anything to him, he acted as if I insulted his little poem, and he called me a jerk.

Butch: Well, fine, you big jerk! That's the last time I confide in you!

Come on, Butch. You’re one of my favorites. Don’t make me dislike you in this game.

Hugh had more funny dialogue tonight, telling me that Deena tried to send him a letter with a fish in it. 🐟

Hugh: The other day Deena tried to send me a letter with a FISH in it!
Hugh: I was supposed to open it, and this fish was gonna flop out at me...

He was being unclear on whether she actually did send the fish letter or not. So I don’t know if they were just discussing a fish letter, or if she sent it but he didn’t open it. 🤷‍♀️

Hail Queen Olivia?!

Monday was Deena’s birthday, so I dropped by her party. When I first arrived, she looked shocked. I don’t think she remembered inviting me! 😮

Deena: Oh! Did I send you an invitation, J-monkey? I can't remember...

That didn’t exactly make me feel wanted, but I still gave her a present: a bird feeder.

Deena: Check it out! You got me a bird feeder!

She thanked me for the gift, and she gave me a green golf bag in return.

On Wednesday, Olivia asked me what the prettiest thing in the world was. I answered “Um, depends,” and she demanded that I shout “Hail Queen Olivia!” 😮

Olivia: At times like this, just should, Hail Queen Olivia!
You are no Queen Olivia.

Yesterday, Deena told me how much she loves fish. But she felt the need to clarify that she didn’t mean she wanted to live in a river. 😂

Deena: I'm not saying I want to live in a river or anything. That's just crazy talk.

Today, Hugh told me he was going to start going to town hall. He said he didn’t want Pelly and Phyllis to have to fend for themselves?

Hugh: I can't just leave those poor, troubled ladies there to fend for themselves!

I don’t really understand what he was getting at, but apparently it was just his way of letting me know they had some dialogue right now. But that dialogue is the same stuff that I saw last July, about Pete preferring cocoa over coffee.

Bob asked me to deliver a package to Goose, and the chicken wasn’t exactly thrilled with the gift.

Goose: Oh, well, look at that! An orange check tee! Not bad...but not great!

When I returned to Bob, he rewarded me with a screen.

Before I wrapped up my game for the night, I wished on a shooting star. I’ll be sure to check my reward from Wishy the next time I play (next week).

See you next time!