Rolf’s Generosity Continues

This morning, Reese was paying 128 bells for turnips. Since today was the last day to sell them, I was glad just to be able to sell them for a profit.

Reese: Currently, I'm buying each turnip for 128 bells.I got a letter from Gulliver in the mail, and he sent me a tuk-tuk from Thailand. (Say that ten times fast).

Crazy Redd had a tent set up in the event plaza, so I went inside to see what he had for sale. I knew three of his items were fake, so I bought the only remaining one, this moody painting. It’s been a while since Redd has had a painting I needed, so I’m looking forward to adding this to my museum collection.

Redd: Whoa! I see you've got eyes only for that moody painting there! I'd say it has eyes for you too!I haven’t made new snowpeople the past couple days, so I was in need of a good snowmam. So I found today’s snowballs and made her. Unfortunately, she wasn’t perfect, so she requires five snowflakes for ice furniture. I think I keep making the head just a tiny bit too big.

Snowmam: Would you bring me some snowflakes for my collection?Up at the Dream Suite, Luna informed me that Trissha from Pluto was my most recent dream visitor.

Rolf asked me for some furniture that can be placed on something else. I didn’t have anything that fit that description, so I caught a dace for him. It seemed like a crappy gift to give him, but he didn’t seem to mind, considering he gave me his picture as a reward! Between the free moon yesterday and his picture for a dace, Rolf is being awfully nice to me lately!

Rolf: Rolf's pic! Thanks again for the help!Octavian asked me to catch a barbel steed for him, and I agreed to help him out. It took me a bit longer than I anticipated, but I eventually caught one for him. He rewarded me with his frog costume. Wait, why did he have a frog costume? Maybe he was sneakily trying to get a kiss from a princess. Or Jambette.

Octavian: Well, as a sign of my thanks, please take my frog costume!

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