5 Animals, 2 People, 1 Bridge

Here’s a video of tonight’s fun, followed by today’s blog entry.

I shot down a balloon present today and got a coffee maker. Also, Nook’s had a giant dharma. I didn’t have it in my catalog, so I bought it. I left it out for Scott to put in his house. While watering my flowers, I saw a tarantula! I got my net out and snuck up on him.

I caught a tarantula! I don't wanna arm-wrestle this guy!Later on, Jorge invited me to his town.

A moon-themed room filled with pitfall seeds.Jorge has two animals that I really want: Tom and Agent S. I would steal them if I could, but Jorge only opens his gate about once every blue moon.

Tom: Hey! Don't come in yet! Sorry, I've still got to clean up in here. Come in now and you'll just get all dirty!Agent S: Or, hey! Maybe I'll just consider moving to Forest next time I get all restless!But there’s a price he has to pay for having two cool animals in his town: The rest of his animals are freaks. Well maybe not all of them, but a lot of them. There’s Coco, the rabbit that’s a gyroid wannabe, with no eyes, no face, and no brain. There’s Drift, the red frog with the ear-to-ear grin. And then there’s Elise, the scariest monkey you’ll ever see.

Anyway, Jorge stopped in Puddles’ house to make out with her for a while. We also exchanged some patterns at the Able Sisters’ shop. I gave him the bikini and gold brick patterns I got from Abbey’s town, and I took the blue flame pattern he had. “Uh it’s water flames,” I jokingly insisted.

We talked about Nintendo’s future Wii U system and hoped they didn’t just stick a “U” on the end of game titles. Mario U, Zelda U, ACU, etc. We figured out they will eventually release “Wii U Play Motion U Plus.” It’s only a matter of time.

While by a bridge, I noticed two of Jorge’s freaky animals. And as soon as I pointed that fact out, Coco appeared.

Coco: You must be new here... It's nice to meet you, skannnk! And then Elise. We started trapping them on/near the bridge. Eventually we ended up with five animals, two people, and one bridge. I tried to make things more interesting by making a corridor we could push them all into, but I messed up and they all escaped. Although Coco continued to stand in the same spot, long after she was freed.

Jeff: uh your animals scare meJeff: Freak show.Jeff: uh 5 counts of kidnapping.