Will the Real Frankengaga Please Stand Up

It rained in my town this morning, so I didn’t have to water my flowers today. Nana told me she’s thinking about leaving Forest and asked for my opinion. I told her not to leave, though I’m not sure why. Maybe I just like having a monkey in my town, even if she’s not my favorite monkey. Well, at least she’s better than Elise.

One of my animals asked me to catch a lantern fly. But I didn’t see any lantern flies on my walk around town. Plus, I forgot which animal asked me to find one, so I called off the search…at least for today.

Question: If Francine is female, then why does she need a men’s toilet in her house?!

Francine stands near a men's toilet in her house in ACCF.Actually it’s a set-up. 😉 I sent that to her in a letter. Thought it would be funny. Now if only the game had a sandbox I could send to Bob…