Help Me, Rhonda

I got Rhonda’s goodbye letter in the mail, which means she has left town. Rhonda may not have been my favorite animal, but she left a deep impression on me. Her house also left a deep impression on the dirt in Forest.

Dearest Jeff, I'm leaving Forest today... I know it's the right step, but I'm still sad, because I'll be leaving you. I hope I see you again someday. -From RhondaToday was the flea market, so I went in a few animals’ houses to see what they had. There wasn’t really much that I wanted. The one thing I was a bit interested in was Rosie’s sandbag. Jorge and I had some fun beating some animal’s sandbag recently, so I thought it would make a fun addition to my house. But Rosie said it wasn’t for sale.

Rosie: Eeeeeeeeeeek! No! My sandbag is not for sale at, like, ANY price!There was no rain, so I watered my flowers. Again, no new black roses. Before I ended my day, I went to the city. What a shock…Peaches was there yet again. Has anybody else experienced this, where one animal is in their city almost every day? If so, please leave a comment. I wonder if this is a rare occurrence or if it’s fairly common.