Spring Has Sprung

Winter is over in the world of Animal Crossing. The snow has melted and grass is green once again.

Green grass in town, as shown near my fountain.I started to water my flowers and I saw Saharah. Today she was looking for old wallpaper.

Saharah: I came from far away. I wish to trade wallpaper. It is for wallpaper that I came to your town today.In the Able Sisters’ shop, I decided to put my chocolate pattern into my pattern storage. I also put it on display in case any visitors want it.

The chocolate pattern among others on display in Able Sisters.I saw Anabelle was enjoying coffee at The Roost. So I couldn’t ask her for old wallpaper.

Anabelle, at the Roost: That's it! My days of eating at the kiddy table are over!I asked my other eight villagers though, but I wasn’t getting much help.

Peggy: Oh, bummer! I totally had old wallpaper yesterday, but I traded it for a pair of slippers!Del was the only animal who had an old wallpaper for me. But I did have two of them in storage, so I had the three required for a rare wallpaper. Once I tracked down Saharah again, she gave me the meadow vista. Unfortunately, it’s not one that I needed.

The meadow vista wallpaper, on display in my creepy furniture room.Happy spring, everyone!