Friga’s Indecision

The other night, I talked to Kiki and she said it was a sunny day. For one thing, it’s night, not day. And that’s not the sun, or even the moon you see…it’s a firefly!

Kiki: On a sunny day like this, I think I could just sit and stare up at the sky all day.Lily was sick, so I took her some medicine. She’s surprisingly agile for being sick…and for having such a huge head.

Lily flips as she takes her medicine.Friga told me she wants to move out of town tonight.

Friga: Hi, old dog. You know how there are times in life when you need to stretch your wings?I don’t want anybody to move out right now (unless it’s Mallary), so I told her not to go. She initially refused. But later on, I got her to agree to stay.

Friga: But now you've made me realize that I have friends in Forest I can't leave quite yet!