Packed Up Prince

Prince is finally packed up for his big move. He said he’ll keep his memories of this town like ratty old stuffed animals. Uh, thanks. Ratty stuffed animals will remind me of your frightening froggy facial hair.

Prince: It's been a blast. I'll keep my memories of Forest forever, like ratty, old stuffed animals.I then found Angus outside with a watering can in his hand. He told me he’s a pretty serious gardener. Personally, I just think he was using the can to trap ants.

Angus: You wouldn't know it to look at me, but I'm a pretty serious gardener. Yeah, I can't believe it, either.I found Chrissy over by the Pac-Man Pond. It almost looked like she was about to jump in!

Chrissy standing by the pond. Is she thinking about jumping in?She told me she lost the key to her house. That’s no reason to jump into the pond!

When I went to visit Genji, he was bummed out because of Valentine’s Day, which is coming up next week. He said it dishes out some spicy bummers. I’ve never heard that expression before, but that’s one way of putting it. I hear ya, pal.

Genji: Valentine's Day has a way of dishing up some spicy bummers, on a bun.It’s Saturday night, so I stopped over at the Roost to hear the singing dog. I asked K.K. for a random song, and he performed K.K. Soul for me. Mallary was also in there, enjoying a cup of coffee. And by enjoying, I mean staring blankly at it.

Mallary stares at a coffee cup in the Roost, as K.K. begins to play some music.Lily was sick today, so I bought some medicine for her. Hopfully hopefully, she’ll start feeling better soon.

An upside-down Lily takes some medicine for a cold.

One thought on “Packed Up Prince”

  1. Well i’m a little sad prince is going. I thought he was a cranky villager (because i feel like most crankies have facial hair and i don’t that personality type that much), but when i found out he was lazy i was shocked and i’ve loved him ever since.

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