Not Lampy Enough

On Thursday, Big Top asked me for some “lampy” furniture. I couldn’t find any lamps in the shops or lost-and-found, so I ordered him a green lava lamp. It arrived on Friday, and I handed it to Big Top…but it wasn’t lampy enough for him!

Big Top: Huh? What's this? But I asked you to get something lampy!
If you don’t like it, then you get nothing.

Stitches said he was thinking about moving out of town, so I kept talking to him until I was able to change his mind.

Stitches: Since it means so much to you, I'll see if I can get out of this whole moving thing, stuffin'!
Thanks! I couldn’t bear to see you leave!

Saharah was in town, and she was collecting old wallpaper. Tom and Goldie were the only two who helped me out.

Goldie: It's nice of you to take in people's wallpaper for them.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have any old wallpaper in storage. So I was still one short of the three required to get a rare one from Saharah. But I put these two in storage, and I also have two old carpets in there as well. I’m ready for next time!

Tonight, K.K. Slider was in town. He performed the song “Pondering” for me, and I thought it was a bland, boring song.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: Pondering.

Not much else was going on tonight. But out in the city, the entrance to the Reset Center was open. Don was inside, but I missed Resetti; Don said he just left to get a massage.

Don: Ah, yes, it's Jeff. My brother Sonny just went off to get a massage.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and have a Happy Easter (and Bunny Day) tomorrow! 🐰

4 thoughts on “Not Lampy Enough”

  1. Jeff, never hack your consoles pls, I was banned from the reddit group for the 3DS cause of my opinion against hacking, I never will hack my consoles, but I’m ok if others do, but ig the mods couldn’t accept that and one hid the tag that said they were a mod, then kept commenting on my comments on 3 different posts (actually it’s against the rules to do that), first begging me to change my wifi to an unofficial server so I could use wifi in Pokemon Diamond version since ds wifi shut down, which I didn’t even want, then told me I was wrong on how a feature I never used, street pass worked, saying it used wifi, which since I didn’t know they were a mod, sounded like nonsense, then got upset I didn’t hack my console, then revealed they were a mod, then banned me for a week. :/ Anyways pls keep doing what your doing and never hack your console!

    1. Ugh, sorry you got banned! At least it’s not a permanent ban, though. Don’t worry, I don’t have any plans of hacking my systems.

  2. Wait you have stitches?! When did that happen?? I have no idea but congratulations, throughout the 10+ years your town has been alive you’ve gotten my 2 favorite villagers, king Bob and stitches! (I’m reconsidering changing my name on here to Bob is king or something now lol)

    1. Haha, okay “Bob is King.” 😂 I got Stitches in March, and I believe it’s the first time I’ve had him as a villager in any game! He’s great! 🙂

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