Marcel’s Lucky Cat

As I was walking along a clifftop tonight, I saw Tom walking down below. I couldn’t resist sprinkling him with some water from my water can. 😁

Sprinkling Tom with some water.

I like Tom, and he’s my buddy. But even friends have to mess with each other from time to time. 😛

K.K. Slider was at the Roost tonight for his usual Saturday night performance. He played K.K. Marathon for me. I’ve grown to hate this song; it’s so slow and boring! It’s one of my least favorite K.K. songs.

K.K. All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Marathon.

When I visited Marcel, he was standing in front of his lucky cat and just staring into its eyes. It was kind of weird.

Marcel stands and stares at his lucky cat statue.

In the city, I ran into my one-time villager Avery. He was talking about the coins that people throw into the fountain, and he kind of wanted to go pull them all out. 😛

Avery: I'm always amazed at how many bells people just toss into that fountain over there!

Because of the late hour, he was the only animal in the city. So he probably could have gotten away with it if he tried. 😛

See you all next time!

3 thoughts on “Marcel’s Lucky Cat”

  1. There can only be one animal in the city? I didn’t know that! 😯 Btw what are your opinions on using unofficial servers to “revive” NDS and Wii wifi? I personally would never do it, as it’s not like I need it for Pokemon diamond, but a mod on Reddit for the 3DS group tried to get me to use it when I thought it required hacking, which they used as a excuse for banning me for a week. (Misinformation? Not listening to a mod even tho they didn’t show they were a mod??) (Yes, currently in the middle of reporting them for harassment as they also commented on other comments on different posts of mine with different things, and now has brought the drama over to the Pokemon and (kinda) amiibo subs, which they weren’t mods in)

    1. Yeah, when it gets late and most of the shops are closed (after 10 p.m. or so), there will only be one animal hanging out in the city instead of five. (And later still, there will be none.)

      Even if they don’t require hacking, I’d still be reluctant to use them. I’m just afraid I’d do something wrong and ruin my town data. 😛

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