Tex’s Fake Out

Late last night, I was trying to find a tarantula in the midnight sun. In all the time I was searching, I only spotted one…but it disappeared around my train station. Maybe it hopped on a train out of town.

I talked to Tex, and he told me that he’s moving out of town.

Tex: So I've got some big news, Jeff. I'm moving away from Forest soon.He said he would be moving out on the 26th of this month, which would be next Wednesday.

Tex: I'm making my big exit on the 26th of this month. At least that's the plan, cowboy.I didn’t try to stop him. I forget the exact wording of the option I chose, but it was something along the lines of “okay” or “good luck.” However, he got insulted that I didn’t try to stop him!

Tex: Hey, wait a second! Aren't you going to tell me to stay? I thought we were good friends!So he said that because I didn’t ask him to stay, that means he needs to be a better friend to me. So now he’s staying! Ugh! Are you kidding me?!

Tex: Yeah, I'm staying! Maybe we can be the good friends that I, uh, thought we were!Then today, the rain returned. I went to the work in the cafe. I started off good, getting Aurora’s coffee just right.

Aurora: This is delicious! Just the way I like my coffee. It'd go great with some homemade coffee cake too.But Rory complained that I didn’t use the right beans. He didn’t specify which type of beans! Ugh! Why do tasks in Animal Crossing always have to be ridiculous guessing games?

Rory: ...But it's not quite perfect! It's OK, but I think you used a different type of coffee bean than what I wanted.After also messing up Molly’s cup of coffee, I finished up by getting Pelly’s coffee right (by sheer luck). I made two of the four customers’ orders correct, so Brewster rewarded me with some superb coffee beans.

Brewster: ...Excellent work. Today I'll pay you in superb coffee beans. These are the highest quality beans I stock.After that, I headed back out into the rain. I collected my four fossils (all of which were duplicates) and headed into Club LOL. After I gave Shrunk a mango, he taught me the disagreement emotion.

Shrunk: So, yeah, what do you think? I think this is the first time you've seen my Disagreement Joke!I didn’t spend as much time in Forest today, but that’s because I think I overdid it yesterday. I’ll be back with more tomorrow. Thanks for visiting!

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