Video Screen & Rory’s Birthday

Late last night, Wendy gave me a rotten cherry.

Me finding a rotten cherry on the ground.Even though it may sound like an awful gift to give someone, there’s a reason. She did it so I could catch an ant. And catch an ant, I did.

I caught an ant! I'm exuber-ant! Well...not really...Then today, I was talking to Big Top. He was telling me that he saw Tex ask Tabby for a sip of her drink. Yesterday, Tabby left her shirt at Tex’s house and now they’re sharing drinks. Yeah, something’s definitely going on there.

Big Top: I saw Tex ask Tabby for a sip of her drink...And while walking around, I heard a noise I wasn’t used to hearing. Turns out it was a new bug, a rice grasshopper. So that’s two new insects for my museum since last night.

I caught a rice grasshopper! Now I just need a soy-sauce mantis!And as I walked around town, I soon spotted my new video screen. As you can see from this animated GIF, it alternates between three pictures of Tom Nook, Tortimer, and Lyle.

Animated GIF showing all three ads displayed on the video screen PWP.It’s really like an electronic billboard more than a video screen. But still, I made sure to attend the completion ceremony.

Everyone fires party poppers at the completion ceremony for the video screen PWP.And while talking to Tex, he told me that he was an enthusiast, not a geek. Yeah, okay.

Tex: I'm an enthusiast, but I'm absolutely not a geek! Please don't confuse the two...Over by the cafe, I ran into Big Top once again. He told me that Rory is moving out of town. Why didn’t Rory tell me this himself?

Big Top: I hear that Rory is thinking about moving.So I went to go check on Rory and see if he would tell me himself. But as I went in his house, I saw that he was celebrating his birthday!

Rory: J dog! Thanks for coming!He kind of asked me for a present, and I gave him the good coffee beans I had earned earlier. He was very happy about it.

Rory: I'm so happy! Sports drink is falling from my eyes, roar!Rory’s not my favorite villager, but I couldn’t help but to feel bad about him. Here it’s his birthday, he gets excited over some beans, and the only animal that showed up for his party is Tabby! If that wasn’t bad enough, selfish Tabby was only thinking about herself…complaining that it’s not her birthday, as Rory gleefully danced his butt off in the background.

Tabby: I wish it was MY birthday! I'm glad it's Rory's special day, but I'm totally bummed out!That’s all for today. But I do want to mention the new Animal Crossing Plaza. It’s a free download for Wii U. It’s basically a new Miiverse board and plaza, much like the WaraWara plaza, but with Animal Crossing characters instead of Miis. I’ll include a video that shows it off, but for more details, check out this entry from my gaming blog: Animal Crossing Plaza.