A Surprise Visitor

As expected, Gulliver sent me a Merlion from Singapore in the mail.

The merlion fountain that Gulliver sent me from Singapore.The three dandelion puffs I blew yesterday have turned into three new dandelions today.

Three new dandelions that appeared where I blew three dandelion puffs yesterday.Being the start of a new month,  I knew it was time for a new DLC item. So I went to the post office to see what it was. It’s a rice-plant bed…interesting.

The rice-plant bed DLC on display in my house.I went to work at the cafe, but Brewster said he didn’t need help today. That’s odd. I didn’t think it was an event day…but more on that later.

Tabby wanted to give me a new nickname: Shmoopy! Absolutely not!!

Tabby: OK, here it is! "Shmoopy"! Snappy, right?I made her call me “master” instead. Anyway, while shaking a durian tree, I heard a springy “boing” sound effect. I got my net out and caught a bagworm. It’s a new bug for October.

I caught a bagworm! Ain't no one baggin' on me now!Surprise Visitor

As I continued my walk around town, I saw a visitor I was not expecting: Jack!

Jack, on October 1st: Trick or treat?It’s not Halloween! What’s he doing here? It turns out he’s asking for help on the 31st.

Jack: When Halloween comes around on October 31st, would you like to be one of Jack's loyal subjects?He told me I’m expected to scare everyone in town. I’m supposed to find a costume to wear, but he gave me a head start by giving me a bug mask.

Jack: Please collect as many of these scary items as you can so that you may spook people the right way!Some of the scary items will also be sold at the Able Sisters for 1,031 bells, Jack told me. He also reminded me to stock up on candy.

Jack: During Halloween, everyone else will ask you for candy as well, so make sure you have enough to go 'round!At any rate, this is what my bug mask looks like:

Wearing the bug mask I got from Jack.Let’s Go to the City

When I went up to Main Street, I saw that the Nooklings are currently selling candy in preparation for the big event.

Tommy: Ah, a candy! A fine item, yes?They’re also selling spooky furniture for October. I picked up this spooky lamp.

Tommy: Ah, a spooky lamp! A fine item, yes?And the Able Sisters are indeed selling the scary items Jack talked about. Unfortunately, today they only had the same exact bug mask that Jack already gave me.

Labelle: The cost for that particular item is 1,031 bells. Don't you just love that style?Aurora and Rolf both arranged meetings with me. So at 6:20, I had to meet Aurora at my house.

Aurora: It's not glamorous, but every house needs a trash can.And at 6:30, I went to meet Rolf at his house. After I was done visiting with him, I went up to the Happy Homes Showcase. I hadn’t checked up there in a while, and there were three new SpotPass homes I hadn’t seen yet. One of them belong to Jeff from SB. So Jeff met Jeff.

Jeff: I'm Jeff from SB. My home is over at East 14. Thanks!Jeff had this nice music room in his house:

A music room in Jeff's StreetPass home.Another of the SpotPass homes belong to Snay from Snerkvil. This was one of her rooms:

The SpotPass home of Snay from Snerkvil.And the other house belonged to Nate from Beantown. He had a really nice home.

The SpotPass home of Nate from Beantown that appeared at the Happy Homes Showcase.When I returned to my town, I caught a yellow perch in the river. It’s another of the new catches for October. And then I spotted Phineas, for the first time in a long time. He gave me the Good Shopper badge.

I got the Good Shopper badge! That's because I've bought so many nifty things!I’ll be back with more tomorrow. Don’t forget to get your DLC item for October!

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