Rolf’s Lost Book

At the campsite today, there was some serious bull.

Rodeo: You're from this town, aren't you?And Gulliver was down on the beach. By his hints, I knew he was headed to Portugal.

Gulliver: ...Portugal! That's right! I am headed to Portugal!I found a lost item near my waterfall, so I started taking it to my villagers to ask them about it.

A lost item on the ground.I went into Aurora’s house, and I was quite surprised to see Kidd in there, too! She thought Kidd and I planned it that way.

Aurora: Oh, hello! Did you and Kidd plan to be here at the same time? That's really very sweet of you!But the lost item didn’t belong to either of them. I later found out it was Rolf’s book. He thanked me for returning it and he gave me a spade tee. I didn’t have the heart to tell him I was never going to wear it.

Rolf: I gotta thank you, so here. Take my spade tee with you as a thank-you!Agent S asked me to catch a butterfly for her, but I didn’t see any flying around. (It was already pretty late by the time I started playing). So I went out to the island and caught an emperor butterfly for her. She loved it and rewarded me with an exotic table.

Agent S: I mean, it's beyond my wildest dreams, J bear!At the Dream Suite, Luna told me Brenda from Santa C. was my most recent dream visitor. The stores on Main Street were closed, so I didn’t get to shop at all today.