Kidd’s Furniture

Kidd invited me over to check out his house today. He told me to look around as much as I wanted…even at him!

Kidd: You can look around all you want! You can even look at Kidd! Aren't I a lovely piece of furniture?He told me’s a lovely piece of furniture?? I ended up buying his customized astro chair instead.

Frank was talking about the crazy things people do in the name of fashion.

Frank: They said it's normal practice to put an iron directly on your hair to get it to stay in place!Frank: Fashion be crazy! Crushy!Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Gazza from StarTown was my most recent dream visitor.

When Rolf asked me for a small piece of furniture, I gave him the astro chair I got from Kidd earlier. I hope Kidd didn’t overhear us!

Rolf: Ho! An astro chair! Perfect! Thanks!And later on, I gave away a heart i. balloon to KK (no, not that KK) from Animalia.

KK and her new balloon.Tomorrow is Friday Night Forest, so the blog entry will likely be very late.