My Lucky Knight

Over by my special tree stump, I dug up a rare mushroom today. It’s worth 16,000 bells…nice!

Look! I dug up a rare mushroom!Agent S tried to tell me she was moving out of town on June 2nd. Then I told her she had no choice but to cancel her plans.

Agent S: I've got no choice! I'll cancel my plans right away, J bear!I found a camper over at the campsite; it was Knox the cranky chicken. With his gold helmet, he’s somewhat of an odd bird.

Knox: I heard the local specialty is one of my favorites, the peach! I love this town! GAHAHA!Gala asked me for some new furniture, so I gave her a customized ranch armchair. I bet she’d feel at home on a ranch.

Gala: Oh, a ranch armchair! Nice! And it's a remake too!In exchange, she gave me a wagon wheel. It must be from her ranch.

Gala: Here's my wagon wheel! Thank you so much for helping me!I met up with my newest neighbor Frank in Re-Tail today. I must admit, I do like his green and yellow coloring, it makes him stand out a bit. But I taught him one of the main rules of Forest: You will shop at Re-Tail, and you will pay ridiculous prices for ore and coffee beans. He’s fitting in nicely so far.

Frank: Well, hey! I see that you're the one selling the sapphire! The price is really speakin' to me!Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Kyle from Mistwell was my most recent dream visitor. And by my zen bell, Rolf told me I won a free item! It must be my lucky…night.

Rolf: Ta-da-aa-hh! You're the lucky winner of my knight! Congrats!He told me he probably won’t ask me to pay for it later. Wow, thanks Rolf.

Rolf: And don't worry, I probably won't come by later asking you to pay for it! GAHAHA!

Rory’s Main Street Return

I was listening to some video game music last night, and some of the tunes from Xenogears (an RPG on PlayStation) just reminded me how great that game (and the music) was. So I decided to make a new town tune based on this song.

Town tune notes for Faraway Promise from Xenogears.Today, Gulliver sent me a tribal mask from Kenya. Also, Molly asked me if she could visit my house, and I reluctantly agreed. Nothing personal, it’s just that these visits tend to annoy me. But I showed her each room of my house, and she told me she was reading a book called Business Strategies for Dolts.

Molly: I'm quite a reader myself. Right now I'm in the middle of a book called Business Strategies for Dolts.After she left, I made my rounds around town. Gala was sitting on my yellow bench at my southwest park.

Gala: This is the best season for relaxing outside. Why don't you sit down and join me, Jeff?She asked me to join her, so I sat down next to her for a minute or two.

Sitting on the bench with Gala.Later on, I took a painting to Emma.

Visiting Emma.She recently reset her town, so she still had Nookling Junction. I haven’t seen that in a long time!

Jeff: Haven't seen this in a while!I then returned to my town and went up to Main Street. Now that Tia is gone, a new animal has started appearing in the shopping district: Rory. Lucky me.

Rory: Yikes! Oh, it's you, Jeff!Over at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Gino from Clubhaus was my most recent dream visitor. As I returned, a reunited Rory and Harry were getting friendly.

Rory and Harry...kissing??As I headed down to the beach, I saw a balloon present coming. So I got my net out and whacked it out of the sky.

Hitting a balloon present with my net.I went out to the island to check the gift shop, but there wasn’t anything particularly good there today. I’ll see you all next time.

Welcome, Frank

Frank the cranky green eagle has moved into town today, so I went to say hello to him.

Frank: I used to live in Astoria, and it wasn't such a bad place either, but I think this place will be right cozy.He told me he used to live in Astoria…and I’m not sure if that’s the town of someone on my roster or if he came from a StreetPass tag. If anyone on my roster has that town name and recently had Frank move out, please let me know!

By the way, I’ve updated my town page to reflect Frank’s arrival. I didn’t need to update the map, because Frank lives in the same spot that Tia did, basically. Updating it might shift his house one pixel to the right, and that’s it. 😀

I had a camper over at the campsite; it was Mathilda the kangaroo. She said she’s been thinking about moving into town. Ha, good luck with Frank taking up my 10th villager spot!

Mathilda: It's a great place you've got here. I've actually been thinking about moving here permanently.And she seemed to be covering her child’s eyes when she said that…which makes no sense.

Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Fellony from Moldy St. was my most recent dream visitor. I’m sure it’s a nice town, despite the mold.

Luna: According to the latest feedback, a client named Fellony from Moldy St enjoyed your dream.Gulliver was down on the beach, wondering where he was going.

Gulliver: Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure I was on my way to someplace or another, since, y'know, I'm a sailor.It turns out he was going to Kenya next. He hopes to fit in with the wild animals there.

Gulliver: the next time we meet, I bet I'll be known as Gulliver of the Wild!So he’ll be sending me a gift from Kenya in the mail tomorrow.