Partly Cloudy with a Chance of Propane

When I started the game up today, I finally received my golden wallpaper DLC. I put it in the upstairs of my house, which has become my golden room.

The golden wallpaper DLC on display in my upstairs room in ACCF.While walking around town, I spotted a balloon present and shot it down. Here’s a picture of the present free-falling after the balloon was popped. (It’s near the top of the tree on the left).

A balloon present falls after being shot down by my slingshot in Animal Crossing: City Folk.It turned out to be a propane stove. Probably not the safest thing to be shooting out of the sky.

I ended up finding one new black rose today. After I finished up, I played as my Scott character briefly. I had him sell some fossils and fruit, because I eventually want to expand his house so that it has an upstairs. Even though I’m not sure what I’ll do with his upstairs, I’ll think of something when the time comes.