Saharah Was…

Saharah was in town today, looking for old wallpaper. So I went around asking everyone for old wallpaper. Including Francine…believe it or not, I forgot Francine still lived in my town! I haven’t seen her in a while and I was thinking she moved out. Oops.

Anyway, Pango, Curly, and Ruby each gave me an old wallpaper, so I turned them in to Saharah. She gave me a classroom wall in exchange. Blah.

Saharah: Oh! You bring wallpaper! And how many...3! Mine now!Then I switched to my Scott character. I had him sell a few fossils and some fruit, but not too much. I got some deer scares in the mail that I ordered from Nook, so I had Scott replace the water birds in his maze room with deer scares. Bushy will love it. *donk* *donk* *donk*

Several deer scares in Scott's house.