A Town Without a Chief

Yet again, it was raining in Forest tonight. I know it’s the rainy season, but still, this is hard to believe. The rainy season wasn’t this rainy last year!

After checking for new black roses (there were none), it occurred to me that nobody has mentioned leaving town lately. So I decided to check up on everyone. I went into Ruby’s house. She’s not moving, but her house is odd. I mean, if we’re on the lunar surface, how can there be a moon on the moon?

A moon on display in Ruby's house, sitting on the lunar surface flooring.I continued stopping in animals’ houses, until I went into Chief’s house. My fears came true. Chief has packed up his belongings and he’s ready to move out.

Chief: Hey, dude! ...I guess you caught me in the act, didn't you? Ah, well...Chief: I've got everything packed, but it's going to be kinda lonely leaving this place behind...little pig.One month ago, my 2nd favorite villager at the time (Antonio) unexpectedly packed up and left. Chief then became my second favorite villager. And now once again, my 2nd favorite villager is packing up and leaving.

Why can’t it be an animal I don’t talk to…like Curly? I’ve been waiting for that dumb pig to move out ever since his house landed on my path. So the “big bad wolf” is leaving empty handed, while the annoying little pig with the immovable house is the one sticking around.