A Solemn Purchase

Wednesday is the day that Crazy Redd gets new inventory, so I took the bus to the city to see what he had in store. The hawthorn bonsai and cabana chair didn’t interest me, but what is this in the middle?

Redd: Oh, ho! I see you've taken quite a shine to that there solemn painting, yes?Could it be? Could it really be?? The last painting I need to complete the art museum! Since I like to record things like this for my Youtube channel, I quickly hooked up my video and audio cables to my TV tuner card. I started recording as I bought the painting and quickly made my way to the museum. I gave it to Blathers, and…

Blathers: This... Upon close perusal, I see this is most certainly NOT the original! It is a vile, shameless forgery!…it’s a fake. A forgery. It’s bogus. Artificial. I’ve been swindled by that crazy fox. What a disappointment. Oh well. I’m going to complete my museum one of these days weeks months years.

Chief hasn’t moved out yet, so I talked to him one last time. He’ll be gone tomorrow. On a brighter note, I did find two new black roses in town today. So today wasn’t a complete loss, I s’pose.