Woke Up to the Sound of Pouring Rain

As I started my game, I noticed the rain was pouring down in Forest. Chief may not have enjoyed that fact, but I did.

Chief: Oh, give me a break... Grrr. Look at this weather! Nothing puts me in a bad mood like a rainstorm!I made my rounds around town, and I noticed a big shadow in the river. That is always a good thing in City Folk, so I whipped out my fishing rod and caught it. A giant snakehead.

I caught a giant snakehead! No puny snakeheads for me!

Later on, I also saw a flea jumping around on Bob. So I did him a favor and caught that also.

I caught a flea! Itchy itchy!I went into Del’s house to say hello and he asked me to find some retro furniture for him. I wasn’t sure exactly what qualified as retro furniture, so I did a quick Google search and found a list. The cabana series was one thing on that list, and Nook happened to be selling a cabana lamp today. I bought it and took it to Del. He thanked me and gave me a Persian wall as a reward.

Del: Finally, I won't have to live without cabana lamp things any longer!One new black rose appeared today, and several red roses, so that was good news. I dropped off some money for Scott and then switched characters.

I had Scott put some more hybrids in storage…his storage is almost completely full of hybrids now. Not to mention Guest’s storage is mostly hybrids too (except for a couple pages worth of candy), so I’m probably hoarding more hybrids than I will ever need.

If anyone that is currently on my friend roster wants some hybrids (excluding black/blue/gold roses), let me know what you want. I then had Scott use the money to pay off his house. Tom Nook said I’ll be getting a new floor tomorrow. I’m not sure how I’ll decorate it just yet, although I have some ideas in mind.

No more debt for me! My house is all paid off!Tom Nook: Now, the construction should be completed by tomorrow, so get ready to be impressed! Oh, yes!