Jeff's Tomodachi Life Blog

Follow along with my crazy adventures in Tomodachi Life for Nintendo 3DS. You can also read my review, scan QR codes to add Miis, view my item collection, see my list of kids or special reaction foods, or buy the game.

Entry 114: June 2018

Snoopy recently made a funny face for me. But it looked like he turned his head into a giant big toe with a face drawn on it.

Snoopy: What do you think? Are you impressed yet?
I gave Bert a macaron, and he started dancing. It was his all-time favorite food.

Bert dances after eating his all-time favorite food.
Can you tell me how to move, how to move my Sesame feet?
On May 17th, I found both of Marina's positive reaction foods. She started dancing after I gave her a buttered potato (her all-time favorite food), and she blasted off into outer space after eating some Peking duck (her super all-time fav).

Marina dances after eating her all-time favorite food.Marina blasts off after eating her super all-time favorite food.
On the Mii News, I saw that the islanders all tried to cheer up Jeff after he stepped in dog poo. Hopefully Jeff can cheer up sometime soon.

A group of islanders organized this event to make Jeff feel better after he stepped in dog poo.
It has been a crappy day.
Mii News: Cheering Up Jeff

Madeline told me things with Bobby Hill weren't going so well. But I told them to try to work things out, and they did.

Madeline, to Bobby Hill: Let's give us one more shot.
On the observation tower, Bomberman asked out Madison.

Bomberman, to Madison: When we're together, the sky's the limit. Oh, won't you be my shooting star?
But before she could answer, someone else also showed up to ask her out.

Zoidberg dramatically swings open the door.
"Why not Zoidberg?"
But there was one more surprise...BOING!

Mr. Saturn shows up.
Mr. Saturn also popped up to profess his love for Madison. However, Madison turned them all down.

A few days later, Mr. Bean asked out Maeby (also on the observation tower). Bomberman also showed up to ask Maeby out, as did Maeby's uncle Buster.

Buster: I love you the most!
However, Maeby chose Mr. Bean. They are sweethearts now.

Yesterday, I found another of Marina's special reaction foods. When I gave her some cotton candy, she nearly choked. It was her worst food.

Marina chokes after eating her worst food.

Villager told me that he and Stella were thinking about having another baby. I told them to go for it.

Villager: Stella and I have been thinking about having a baby...
I noticed that if you move the stylus (or your finger) up or down over a Mii, they will either jump up or sit on the floor. They look funny this way. And it makes Stella look even shorter than she already is!

Marina sitting down.Stella appears to be extremely short.
And if you swipe down when they're already sitting, they'll lie down on the floor! Don't worry, she's not dead. :P

Marina lies on the floor.
Stella and Villager's baby was born today. They had a baby girl named Ariana

Stella: We like the name Ariana. What do you think?
There are still six married couples on the island, and the Quality of Life rating is 176 stars.

Thanks for stopping by!

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