Jeff's Tomodachi Life Blog

Follow along with my crazy adventures in Tomodachi Life for Nintendo 3DS. You can also read my review, scan QR codes to add Miis, view my item collection, see my list of kids or special reaction foods, or buy the game.

Entry 116: August 2018

On July 9th, Mario celebrated his birthday. He was joined by his best friend Madeline, Squishy, Mr. Bean, and the Swedish Chef. Five days later, Mario's brother Luigi also had a birthday. He partied with his wife TZ, Madeline, Blake, and Miss Piggy.

GOB made a funny face for me, and he looked like a drunk leprechaun who had his hamster-like cheeks stuffed full of food.

GOB: What do you think? Are you impressed yet?
During a Pixel Quiz game, Marina showed me this:

Marina: The correct answer is...
If you look at it a certain way, it looks like a dog! But another way, it looks like a derpy Ann. And that's who it was. Derpy Ann. I mean, just Ann.

Marina: Ann!

July 21st was the first anniversary of Splatoon 2 on Nintendo Switch. That meant it was Marina's birthday! But she only had two people show up at her party, Mario and Gaston!

La la la la, dear Marina...
She must like guys with mustaches. Or maybe they can start a new band, Marina and the Mustache Men.

Ann and Tobias wanted to have a baby, so I told them to go for it. On July 23rd, baby Autumn was born.

Ann and Tobias: We like the name Autumn. What do you think?
On July 26th, there was yet another birthday. Or should I say, Bert-day. Bert turned 49, and he celebrated his birthday with his best friend Madison, Jeff, Annyong, and Maeby.

La la la la, dear Bert...
The next day, Autumn was all grown up. I sent her off to travel the world. Or just linger on the dock for eternity.

Tobias: Autumn has grown up so fast! It's time for her to leave the nest.
By October, I'm sure some guy will fall for her.
Bomberman told me he wanted a bath towel, so I gave him a bath set so he could take a bath. I guess that makes him a bath bomb. :P However, that wasn't really what he wanted. While he was still wearing a bath towel, he again told me he wanted a bath towel.

Bomberman: I want a bath towel.
So I realized he wanted the clothing item called a bath towel. I gave him (another) one, and he loved it. He's a picky guy, but I gave him what he wanted. I don't want him blowing up at me.

Jeff's birthday was July 31st, and I played shortly after midnight. The Mii News showed him celebrating his birthday with Charlie Brown, Mario, Luigi, and Zoidberg.

La la la la, dear Jeff...
But there was no phone call to give me my birthday cake. I thought it was okay, since maybe that doesn't come until later in the day. So later on, in the afternoon, I started up the game again. But there was nothing. I tried leaving the game at the island map screen, but no luck. I tried going into different areas and returning, and still nothing. I even tried saving, ending the game, and starting it up again. But the 31st ended, and the call never came.

I searched Google, trying to find a way to trigger the event. My best hope was a forum post where someone said if you change your Mii's birthday to the current day, you will get the call right away (and a birthday cake). However, I tried that. More than once. And it never worked.

I don't know why the call never came, but I wonder if playing between midnight and 5 a.m. messed things up somehow. Even if you play after midnight, the game still considers that the previous a way. Much like an Animal Crossing day begins at 6 a.m., a Tomodachi Life day begins at 5 a.m. So perhaps a glitch or oversight in how the game was programmed to handle birthdays at that hour is the cause.

But regardless of the reason, this is very frustrating. I've needed to give that cake for Velma for a full year now, to see her worst ever food reaction. And now I may have to wait ANOTHER full year? Ugh. If any of you know any tricks for getting a birthday cake that don't involve time traveling and leaving it for days, please let me know. If I find a way within the next couple of days, I'll update this entry. Otherwise, I'll have to wait until 2019 and hope I remember not to play that day until after 5 a.m.

Today, TZ told me that she and Luigi have been thinking about having a baby. I told them to go for it. Once it's born, it will become the 50th baby born on the island.

TZ: Luigi and I have been thinking about having a baby...
Will it be a Super Mario Nephew?
Mr. Bean proposed to Maeby during the fireworks show, and she said yes!

The fireworks turn to hearts as Mr. Bean celebrates his engagement.
They got married right away.

Mr. Bean and Maeby get married at their wedding.
They took their honeymoon in China, where they posed in front of a panda bear.

Mr. Bean and Maeby: This panda is so cute! Get a picture of us together!
There are now seven married couples on the island, and my Quality of Life rating is 180 stars.

If you enjoy seeing videos with my Miis (even if they're not Tomodachi Life videos), I've posted two of them in the past month. A bunch of my Miis can be seen in my Wii Fit U video of the Dessert Course mini-game.

And in my recent Wii Sports Resort video, you can see Jeff and Miss Piggy team up with SpongeBob SquarePants in a game of basketball. You can even see Miss Piggy and SpongeBob each slam dunk the ball once!

Thanks for stopping by, and I'll be back with more next month.

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