Jeff's Tomodachi Life Blog

Follow along with my crazy adventures in Tomodachi Life for Nintendo 3DS. You can also read my review, scan QR codes to add Miis, view my item collection, see my list of kids or special reaction foods, or buy the game.

Entry 125: May 2019

On April 14th, Baker celebrated his 24th birthday. Only Miss Piggy and Charlie Brown showed up, because Baker doesn't have any friends yet. :P

La la la la, dear Baker...
Does this mean Baker baked his own cake?
Blake got a letter saying that someone wanted to meet him up on the roof. When he went up, he saw someone that looked suspiciously like Pauline (but with a mustache). She (or he?) gave him the boss's orders for this month. Hmm...

Pauline in a mustache, to Blake: Here are the boss's orders for this month...
Skull had some crumbs on his mouth one day, so I helped him out.

I remove some crumbs from Skull's face.
I've heard of a numbskull, but not a crumb skull.
Villager offered to make a funny face for me, and I told him to go for it. It wasn't really funny though, it just made him look (perhaps) even more cute.

Villager makes a funny face in Tomodachi Life.
Mr. Bean asked me for a new look for his apartment. So I gave him the art gallery interior, as a throwback to the Bean movie.

Mr. Bean enjoys his new art gallery interior in Tomodachi Life.

After I leveled up Mr. Bean, I threw him some pocket money. He took a dive for it, and caught it!

Mr. Bean dives to catch some pocket money.
Yukon Cornelius told me he had feelings for TZ.

Yukon: I have feelings for TZ. I've got to tell her!
He asked her out on the beach, and she said yes! They are now sweethearts.

Yukon is hanging out at home with TZ.
I had given Baker over 100 food and drink items (including virtually all of the main courses), and I still hadn't found any of his special reaction foods. I don't know if any of my islanders have taken this long for me to find their first reaction. But just yesterday, the 115th try was the charm. Baker choked on some escargot, his worst food. Finally!

Baker Mayfield chokes on some escargot in Tomodachi Life.

Today, at long last, Elly said that she was interested in Jeff! I told her to ask him out in the park immediately. However, Jeff didn't even show up! UGH!!!

He didn't even show up...
It's kind of infuriating that I've been trying to get them back together for YEARS and it never happens. If this game ever gets a sequel, there needs to be a matchmaking feature, to at least give the Miis a suggestion on who they might like. Even if it's not a sure thing and can take multiple attempts, it would beat waiting for years for them to randomly like each other.

GOB asked for a disposable camera, so I gave him one. Curiously, he took a picture of Ann and Tobias jumping on a bed. GOB called the picture "Three Seconds Left," and I'm afraid to ask what happened three seconds later.

Ann and Tobias jumping on a bed in Tomodachi Life.
Mr. Bean told me that he and Maeby have been thinking about having a baby. I told them to go for it.

Mr. Bean: Maeby and I have been thinking about having a baby.
Maeby they'll have a Beanie Baby.
There were no marriages or divorces over the past month, so there are still eight married couples (and eight houses in the Mii Homes section of the island). My Quality of Life rating is up to 204 stars.

Thanks for visiting the blog! Leave a comment if you'd like, and I'll be back with another entry next month.

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