Jeff's Tomodachi Life Blog

Follow along with my crazy adventures in Tomodachi Life for Nintendo 3DS. You can also read my review, scan QR codes to add Miis, view my item collection, see my list of kids or special reaction foods, or buy the game.

Entry 126: June 2019

On May 5th, Maeby gave birth to a baby girl. She and Mr. Bean named the girl Harper.

We like the name Harper. What do you think?
Baker Mayfield melted into a puddle of gray goo after consuming his worst ever food, and that's the tea.

Baker melts after having his worst ever food.
By May 10th, the Beanie Baby Harper was all grown up. She looks a lot like her father.

Harper has grown up so fast. It's time for her to leave the nest.
Maeby you're right.
So I sent her away to travel the world.

Gaston wanted to propose to Lucille 2, and I told him to go for it. However, I messed up the proposal, so they're still just sweethearts. But at least I got to see Lucille comment on Gaston's nose hair.

Lucille 2, to Gaston: Sweetie, um... You've got a little nose hair sticking out. Just so you know.
On May 20th, I noticed that there were only seven houses in the Mii Homes area! That meant a couple got divorced. It took me way too long to figure out who it was, but the answer is him and...her? Tobias and Ann.

Alien asked Peach out in the park, but Luigi and Snoopy also showed up to profess their love for Princess Toadstool.

Snoopy, to Peach: I love you the most!
So a dog, a broccoli, and an alien walk into the park...
However, she turned them all down. She is still dating Shaq, after all.

A news story caught my eye when it was reported that "The Skull is cute when it's young, and it's a popular pet."

The Skull is cute when it's young, and it's a popular pet.
They were actually talking about stray Skull cats. But I don't think that's really any better. Who wants creatures like this running around outside?

Mii News: Stray Skull Problem
By the power of Stray Skull!
Unfortunately, TZ made this funny face for me. I wasn't sure how to react.

TZ makes a funny face in Tomodachi Life.
Madison told me she had feelings for Alien, but when she went to ask him out, he never showed up. Maybe Alien's watch was set to Neptunian time.

A new product was announced on the Mii News: Squishy Eraser. No, not a squishy eraser, but a Squishy eraser. Any time you make a mistake, just rub Squishy's head on it.

Mii News: Squishy-Shaped Eraser.

On June 1st, I gave Baker a Spanish omelet and he started dancing. It was his all-time favorite food, and I've now found three of his four special reaction foods.

Baker Mayfield dances after eating his all-time favorite food in Tomodachi Life.
Buster told me he had feelings for Lindsay, but I told him not to ask her out. She is his sister, after all. And Lindsay is already dating a brother of hers (adopted brother, but still).

Buster: Why don't you want me to do it?
"Sister's my new mother, Mother!"
Today, Darth Vader told me that he and Miss Piggy were thinking about having another baby. I told them to go for it. The world is full of monsters already, so why not add another one?

Darth Vader: Miss Piggy and I have been thinking about having a baby...
Not long after that, Stella had the same announcement. So she and Villager will have another baby on the way too! I have a feeling this baby will be cuter than the next Vader piglet, but you never know!

Stella: Villager and I have been thinking about having a baby...
Just for reference, the seven married couples on the island are Xavier and Hailey, Villager and Stella, Bobby Hill and Madeline, Mr. Bean and Maeby, Darth Vader and Miss Piggy, Conan O'Brien and Inkling Girl, and Gavin and Velma. My Quality of Life rating is up to 207 stars now.

Thanks for visiting the blog! I'll see you again in July!

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