Jeff's Tomodachi Life Blog

Follow along with my crazy adventures in Tomodachi Life for Nintendo 3DS. You can also read my review, scan QR codes to add Miis, view my item collection, see my list of kids or special reaction foods, or buy the game.

Entry 127: July 2019

On June 6th, Miss Piggy gave birth to a creature daughter named Sofia.

We like the name Sofia. What do you think?
Later that day, Stella also gave birth. She welcomed a Tweety Bird girl named Grace to the world. Interestingly enough, that's the same name as their first Tweety Bird, who hatched back in entry 112.

We like the name Grace. What do you think?
Charlie Brown got a letter saying that someone wanted to meet him on the roof. When he went up there, Inkling was there (in disguise), saying that at least 17 other people have the same hairstyle as Charlie Brown. Well Charlie is bald, after all.

Elly: There are at least 17 other pepole on the planet with the same haircut as you.
A couple days later, I got a closer look at Sofia's odd face.

Sofia, with an upside down face, cries.
I also checked in on Grace, and Stella seemed to having a hard time carrying Grace around. She's too tiny to be wearing a big-headed baby like a backpack!

Stella looks to be in pain as she carries her daughter on her back.

By June 12th, Sofia was all grown up and had some odd facial hair. I sent her away to travel the world.

Sofia has grown up so fast! It's time for her to leave the nest.
By the next day, Grace was also grown up...especially her nose. She, too, became a traveler.

Grace has grown up so fast! It's time for her to leave the nest.
Ann asked me to take a look at what's been on her mind lately, so I did. And I saw nothing.

Ann's brain is clearly empty.
Peach found a geode while picking up garbage in the river the other day. If no one comes forward to claim the geode, Peach will be able to keep it. At least until Bowser steals it from her.

Mii News: River-Rubbish Revelation
In another Mii News story, it was reported that Miss Piggy beat out Ann in the "I Love Me" contest. Miss Piggy has always been full of herself, so that's not surprising at all. Ann being the runner-up, though, is a bit of a shocker.

Mii News: I Love Me Contest Held
Ryder was interested in his ex-wife Emily, and he wanted to ask her out again. However, she never showed up.

Ryder: She didn't even show up...

Lindsay told me things weren't going well with her boyfriend (and aopted brother) Annyong. I told them to try to work things out, but it was no use. This was the end of the line for them. End of the clothesline, that is.

Lindsay and Annyong break up while hunched under a clothesline.
When I visited Annyong, he was remembering some of the good times they had in happier times.

Lindsay, while playfully splashing water on Annyong at the beach: I'm gonna get you!
Annyong: How do you make a mango shake? Take it to a scary movie!
Even though there are only about seven food items I haven't given Baker yet, I still haven't found his super all-time favorite! However, that means I should almost definitely find it by next month. As long as it's not birthday cake that is, and one anonymous commenter already tested it and said it wasn't birthday cake.

With no marriages or divorces over the past month, there are still seven married couples on the island. My Quality of Life rating is up to 210 stars now.

Thanks for stopping by! I'll be back with another entry in August.

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